We recorded a Devotional Minute for Thanksgiving 2017 live simultaneously on the Radio and on Facebook and we had fun doing it. I hope it inspired you. Watch it here
Adversity Will Come. What Will You Do With it?
Habeeb delivers the Charge to the Class at the 2014 Eastern Illinois University Graduation Ceremony. The question: adversity will come. What will you do with it?.
Overcoming Adversity Through The Powers of
Kindness and Encouragement
The Kindness and Goodness of America
A grateful immigrant, Habeeb Habeeb, speaks to the American Legion Auxiliary Leadership Conference on the kindness and goodness of America.
Silver Boxes: Delivering Words of Encouragement
Harnessing Adversity
The Power of Your Prospective: Why I Love America
The lens we use to view our world can show us the path to our failure or our success. In his address at the 87th Annual American Legion Auxiliary Conference, Habeeb Habeeb shares how positive thinking shaped his perspective and helped him overcome great adversity after war broke out in Lebanon and he struggled to make a new life in America.